"I don't use Reunion Blues gig bags because I have to, I use Reunion Blues gig bags because it's unsafe not to..."
Russell Kenji Shores born in New York has a varied and impressive resume. Nick -named Thor or Thunder Baby by his peers for his thunderous grooves, he began playing bass at age twelve. Armed with a degree in music, he began his professional career. Russell has shared the stage with Diana Ross, Julian Lennon, The Kevin Fowler band, Lucid Dream, The Steve O' Neil band, The Major Burkes band, The ACC jazz band, The Blues Specialist which features Mel Davis, cousin of the legendary T Bone Walker, Elliott Fikes and Soul Serenade as musical director, Austin Alibi, Wesley United Methodist Church The First Baptist Church, Mt. Zion Baptist Church and The Freedom Home Baptist Church Mass Choir under the leadership of Pastor O.B Howard Jr.
Russell is also on Staff as the electric and contra bass Teacher at the Academy of Music in Austin TX. Russell plays and endorses M.T.D basses American, MTD USA and Kingston basses, U. S Master Guitar fretless bass, MTD strings, Visual Sound pedals, Genz Benz Amplifiers, AccuGroove speaker cabs, Gruv Gear and Reunion Blues Gig Bags.
Russell K. Shores
"I don't use Reunion Blues gig bags because I have to, I use Reunion Blues gig bags because it's unsafe not to..."
Russell Kenji Shores born in New York has a varied and impressive resume. Nick -named Thor or Thunder Baby by his peers for his thunderous grooves, he began playing bass at age twelve. Armed with a degree in music, he began his professional career. Russell has shared the stage with Diana Ross, Julian Lennon, The Kevin Fowler band, Lucid Dream, The Steve O' Neil band, The Major Burkes band, The ACC jazz band, The Blues Specialist which features Mel Davis, cousin of the legendary T Bone Walker, Elliott Fikes and Soul Serenade as musical director, Austin Alibi, Wesley United Methodist Church The First Baptist Church, Mt. Zion Baptist Church and The Freedom Home Baptist Church Mass Choir under the leadership of Pastor O.B Howard Jr.
Russell is also on Staff as the electric and contra bass Teacher at the Academy of Music in Austin TX. Russell plays and endorses M.T.D basses American, MTD USA and Kingston basses, U. S Master Guitar fretless bass, MTD strings, Visual Sound pedals, Genz Benz Amplifiers, AccuGroove speaker cabs, Gruv Gear and Reunion Blues Gig Bags.